
fusion-blossom is a fast Minimum-Weight Perfect Matching (MWPM) solver for Quantum Error Correction (QEC).

Key Features

  • Correctness: This is an exact MWPM solver, verified against the Blossom V library with millions of randomized test cases.
  • Linear Complexity: The decoding time is roughly \( O(N) \) given small physical error rate, proportional to the number of defect vertices \( N \).
  • Parallelism: A single MWPM decoding problem can be partitioned and solved in parallel, then fused together to find an exact global MWPM solution.
  • Simple Interface: The graph problem is abstracted and optimized for QEC decoders.


For beginners, please read how the MWPM decoder works and how we abstract the MWPM decoder interface in Problem Definition Chapter.

For experts in fusion-blossom, please jump to Installation or directly go to demos.

This library is written in Rust programming language for speed and memory safety, however, we do provide a Python package that expose commonly used functions. Users can install the library using pip3 install fusion-blossom.


fusion-blossom is free and open source. You can find the source code on GitHub, where you can report issues and request features using GitHub issue tracker. Currently the project is maintained by Yue Wu at Yale Efficient Computing Lab. If you'd like to contribute to the project, consider emailing the maintainer or opening a pull request.


The fusion-blossom library is released under the MIT License.